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Thousands of practitioners using prior editions of the DSM have relied on this key resource to optimize their diagnostic practices in PreK-12 settings. Now significantly revised for DSM-5, the book cuts through the overwhelming length and complexity of the diagnostic manual by focusing thematically on the most common child and adolescent concerns. Tips are provided for diagnostic decision making and coding, and technical terms are demystified. Emphasis is given to using diagnosis as a foundation for effective intervention. The book highlights links to special education eligibility under IDEA and discusses ethical and professional issues in school-based assessment. New to This Edition *Revised throughout for DSM-5. *Restructured chapters on learning, communication, and motor problems; mood problems; anxiety problems; conduct problems; and impulse-control problems. *Updated content on IDEA 2004. *Notes encapsulating changes to each set of diagnostic criteria, for those familiar with the prior DSM. *Author Commentary sidebars sharing clinical insights and experiences.
DSM-5® Diagnosis in the Schools Edition by Renée M. Tobin; Alvin E. House and Publisher The Guilford Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781462523764, 1462523765. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781462523726, 1462523722.
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