With Cengage Unlimited you can:
Get all your Cengage access codes on platforms like MindTap, WebAssign, CengageNowv2, SAM, OWLv2 and OpenNow
Access our entire library of online textbooks, online homework and study tools
All in one place for one price per semester
Details about Cengage Unlimited, Multi-term (12 months), 1st Edition:
Why pay by the book when you can subscribe and save on your course materials with Cengage Unlimited? For one price, you’ll get access to all your Cengage online platforms like MindTap, WebAssign, SAM, CengageNOWv2 and OWLv2, plus:
- All your Cengage course materials for one price per semester no matter how many access codes or online textbooks you need or use
- Study Tools including online homework, flashcards, test prep and study guides
- Access to career center to help you gain marketable job skills and explore career options
- A textbook rental with eligible access codes for $7.99 + free shipping, available within the 50 states
- All this and more for $119.99 a semester, $179.99 for one year, $239.99 for two years
Available in the US only.
- ISBN: 9780357700013
- Author: Cengage
- Publisher: Cengage Unlimited
- Formats: Cengage Unlimited
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