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Is your organization prepared for the next paradigm of customer experience, or will you be left behind? This practical book will make you a winner in a market driven by experience, enabling you to develop desirable offerings and standout service to attract loyal customers. Author Simon Clatworthy shows you how to transform your organization into one that aligns your customers’ experiential journey with platforms, organizational structures, and strategic alliances. Rather than treat customer experience as an add-on to product and service design, you’ll discover how experience-centricity can drive the whole organization. Learn the five steps necessary to transform into an experience-centric organization Explore the underlying structure needed to design and deliver memorable experiences Understand how customers and clients experience products and services Develop experiential DNA as an extension of your brand DNA Be proactive by translating cultural trends into experiences
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Additional ISBNs
9781492045731, 9781492045748
The Experience-Centric Organization: How to Win Through Customer Experience 1st Edition is written by Simon David Clatworthy and published by O’Reilly Media. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for The Experience-Centric Organization are 9781492045724, 1492045721 and the print ISBNs are 9781492045779, 1492045772. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781492045731, 9781492045748.
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