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Starting with 1809, Sweden’s ‘year zero’ and a period of deep national trauma, this book studies the relationship between Sweden and its environment, and foreign policy and overlapping security and defence policies. The book displays the pattern to Swedish foreign policy behavior, at times solidarity and involvement, at times disengagement and isolation, depending on the actions of larger powers in the neighbourhood. The author examines Sweden’s independence from, dependence on, orientation towards, and then acquiescence in Europe, and the release of a ‘revolution’ in Swedish foreign policy from the early 1990s. The author also studies a process of steady Swedish Europeanization and the emergence of a post-neutral stance. The book’s endpoint is the European Parliamentary election 2019, which resulted in a stemming of the populist tide in Sweden which had grown from disconnection between a Europe-reluctant electorate and Europe-enthusiastic politicians. The book also looks towards Swedish policy ambitions and prospects for the 2020s and continuation of the ‘revolution’.
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Additional ISBNs
9781433174834, 9781433174858
Swedish Foreign Policy, 1809–2019: A Comprehensive Modern History 1st Edition is written by Graeme D. Eddie and published by Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Swedish Foreign Policy, 1809–2019 are 9781433174841, 1433174847 and the print ISBNs are 9781433174827, 1433174820. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781433174834, 9781433174858.
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