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An authoritative practitioner guide and student text, this book offers clear advice on how to structure and lead cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) groups and overcome common challenges that arise. Evidence-based group assessment and treatment protocols are provided for a range of frequently encountered disorders. Emphasizing that a CBT group is more than the sum of its individual members, the authors show how to understand and use group process to optimize outcomes. Up to date, accessible, and highly practical, the book is filled with session outlines, sample dialogues, checklists, troubleshooting tips, and other user-friendly features.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Groups Edition by Peter J. Bieling and Publisher The Guilford Press. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9781462532254, 146253225X. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9781606234044, 1606234048.
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