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Cities in China are extremely dynamic and experience high pressure to grow, transform and adapt. But in what directions, on what basis and to which goals? The authors and their team have researched the intensive transformation processes of about twenty-five neighborhood communities that were created in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Suzhou in the last 30 years, ranging from inner-city to peripheral areas, starting from planning and leading up to user satisfaction studies. This in-depth overview on neighborhood typology and development in China follows the book Emergent Architectural Territories in East Asian Cities by Peter Rowe, who is among the world’s best scholars on urban transformation in East Asia, together with his colleagues Ann Forsyth and Har Ye Kan.
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Additional ISBNs
China’s Urban Communities: Concepts, Contexts, and Well-Being 1st Edition is written by Peter G. Rowe; Ann Forsyth; Har Ye Kan and published by Birkhäuser. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for China’s Urban Communities are 9783035607062, 3035607060 and the print ISBNs are 9783035608335, 3035608334. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9783035607086.
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